FSKKP Undergraduate Curriculum Survey

This survey is part of the project carried out in my teaching course (DATA VISUALIZATION) with my student. This idea come from a series of discussion with a group of student working for this project.

The aim of this survey is to identify the existing courses that need improvement and how critical they are to the specific career in IT. We hope the findings will be benefiting many stakeholders especially IT student in planning their future career.


Dear respondent,

On behalf of my student, I would like to seek your co-operation to participate in this survey.

Your personal information will never be disclose to another party except will be used for internal quality improvement and strategic planning how the course offering will be align towards career planning for our current student or future graduates.

I thank you in advance for your co-operation.


Aziman Abdullah
Lecturer (BCM3123 : Data Visualization)
Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang